Put Your Heart Into It

6th Annual VNA Fundraising Event

This February, our community is coming together to address the urgent needs of food-insecure seniors in our county. Local businesses have stepped up, aligning with our cause to bring visibility and vital funding to this pressing issue. Throughout the month, these businesses will offer special promotions, exclusive deals, and donation matching programs. By patronizing these establishments, you not only support local commerce but also contribute directly to our mission.

But the impact doesn’t end there — direct donations to our cause play a pivotal role. Whether it’s attending our events or senior center, participating in online fundraisers, or making a one-time contribution, every dollar makes a difference. Let’s unite, shop local, and put our hearts into building a stronger, more compassionate community. Join us in our never ending mission.

Special Dates in February to Have Fun and Help Food-Insecure Seniors in Knox County

Every Wednesday in February

All of February

February 15th

February 18th

February 18th

Throughout February

Throughout February

Fridays in February

Saturdays in February

Throughout February

Thank You!

It is so lovely to live in a community that cares so fervently about one of its more vulnerable populations. All to bring attention to the need for funding for our Home Delivered Meals program. Do you want to match these businesses’ donation? If you or your business would like to show your support, we are always accepting funds and fundraising ideas.

Please contact us at 309-342-1152 to arrange your donation or click the button to donate through Facebook.

Knox County seniors appreciate your generosity!